A Swiffer Mop vs. a Don Aslett Microfiber Mop.

We are going to compare one of the most popular mops, the Swiffer, to our Don Aslett mops. The Swiffer became a household name in the late 1990’s - everyone had, or still has, a Swiffer. But, is it the best option for mopping? We will break it down into different categories. 

PRICE. In the grand scheme of things, what's the bottom line? PRICE. The Swiffer mop/duster costs about $15. The Don Aslett Microfiber Mop 15-Inch is $36.99 and includes 2 reusable pads. The Swiffer pads must be purchased separately, and you can buy wet mopping pads or dry dusting pads for an additional $5-20. The disposable Swiffer pads are one-time-use and must be changed often. The Don Aslett Microfiber pads are reusable and can be thrown in the washer/dryer. 

“I have 3 cats and use a dusting Swiffer 2-3 times a week. Each time I use my Swiffer I am using about 3 pads.  That is a lot of waste.  Is there a better option?” - Kurt (Utah)

Let's do the math, Kurt! 

One Time Price: Don Aslett Microfiber Mop: $36.99 

Yearly Price: Swiffer w/ Dusting Pads: $283.84+

QUALITY: Let’s compare the Swiffer to Don Aslett's Microfiber Mop.The Swiffer has a ½ inch pole that is connected easily together, but feels cheap and flimsy. The Swiffer is not a heavy duty mop, and the pole may bend or break with force. The Microfiber mop has a 1-inch aluminum handle with a rubber ball grip at the top, and feels comfortable in your hands. The microfiber mop feels durable and ready to use on the toughest muddy tiles. There really is no comparison in quality between the two mops, so I give the Swiffer a 1-Star rating on quality. 

ECO-FRIENDLY:  The majority of us care about the environment and our family’s health, and the Swiffer FAILS this test. The Swiffer is not eco-friendly because single use mop pads are wasteful and fill the landfills. The chemicals that are in the damp pads are toxic and not safe for pets or some plants. A reusable Microfiber mop pad is eco-friendly. They can be used hundreds of times with or without a cleaning solution. To learn more about microfiber CLICK HERE

FUNCTION:  Both the Swiffer and Microfiber Mops have different cleaning pads for different jobs. Both mops are easy to assemble and the pads were simple to attach to the mops. But using the mops was a different story.  The Swiffer was lightweight and great for dusting, but it did not collect everything on my floor and the pad needed to be changed VERY often. The microfiber pads collected all the dog hair and dust without spreading it, and I didn’t need to change the pad. The wet pad on the Swiffer fell off often and slipped from the corner attachments, and I was not able to scrub my floor with it. The Microfiber mop pad never slipped and stayed in place the entire time.

CONVENIENCE:  The Swiffer is small and lightweight. It stores nicely in the corner of my pantry, but it stays there because it takes me FOREVER to clean my wood floors with it. The head is small and the pad needs to be changed often, and I feel like I am just dragging the dirt and dog hair around my floor. Using a microfiber mop is definitely quicker. I don’t have to rinse the pad as often as I replace a Swiffer pad. The head is larger and covers more area. It is easy to wash the pads and not worry about the time and expense of purchasing new pads. Both the Swiffer and a Microfiber mop do the job: they pick up the dust and hair, and they have swivel heads that are easy to maneuver around furniture and toilets. 

There is definitely a clear winner here. Microfiber mopping is a huge money saver and it creates less waste. Order your Microfiber mop and make the change today! 


For small homes or apartments I would suggest the Paisley Microfiber Mop, it has the smaller head with the convenience of 4 unique microfiber pads.

The Deluxe Spray Mop has the water/solution attached to the mop. It is great for all floors. I love using this mop in my kitchen, where I can control how much water is on the floor, and it was easy to mop under my appliances. 

For large floors or commercial use I suggest the 24 inch Professional Strength Microfiber mop bundle. It includes five high quality microfiber pads to use on all floors. 




November 14, 2022 — Marissa Benson

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