Sensitive to Chemicals and Cleaning Odors?

When you are sensitive to cleaning chemicals and the smells associated with them because of asthma or other conditions, it can be hard to find cleaning solutions you can use that actually work.
Finding bathroom cleaners that remove hard water and soap scum, but don’t shut down your breathing, can be especially challenging. Odor control products, with their heavy fragrances, can be even worse! And if you’re looking for an all-natural, all-purpose cleaner in the grocery store that has low odor, watch out! So many of the “all-natural” products barely clean at all and can’t be used with bare hands!
Here at Don Aslett’s Cleaning Center, we understand! We know certain heavy-duty cleaners, like Showers n’ Stuff and Safety Foam, can be too much for some people. That is why we searched the world over for the very best low-odor, low-allergen bathroom cleaners. We’re also pleased to offer an all-natural odor-neutralizer that contains no perfumes, dyes, or other irritants. It can also be used as a safe all-purpose cleaner that is odor-free once dry!
Tub n’ Tile is a concentrated cleaner for showers, tubs, tile, and sinks. Because it is a concentrate you dilute with water, it is also a great deal (and an even better deal right now because it’s on sale)! It is even better for the environment than other cleaners!
Foam n’ Flush is our toilet bowl cleaning alternative for those with chemical and odor sensitivities. It is septic safe but powerful enough to remove hard water deposits. It is even on sale at the lowest price of the year right now! Give it a try before the sale expires!
For tough-to-beat odors like pet urine on carpet or spilled gasoline in a trunk, reach for X-O Plus. To use it simply as an odor-eliminator, you can dilute it with water to 1 part X-O Plus to 7 parts water! When it is wet it has a mild, pleasant odor, but when it dries it leaves no odor at all – so you can enjoy the fresh scent of nothing! X-O Plus is so safe that it can be used to remove odors on you or your pets! This is because X-O was originally made as a gentle medical wash that has been used in hospitals and nursing homes for patients who are unable to get out of bed. But it was so good at removing unpleasant odors in bedpans and on patients, people started to use it at home and on their pets, so it is now marketed as an odor-eliminator for all odors! Did your dog get skunked? Try X-O Plus. Fridge odors? Try X-O Plus. Any odor at all, even smells from other cleaners, can be removed with X-O Plus. If you need an all-natural, all-purpose cleaner you can use without gloves that contains no dyes, perfumes, or other irritants, look to X-O Plus, too! At full strength or 1:4 dilution it’s a mild cleaner –perfect for counters, sinks, stoves, walls, and more! I even like to wash my hands with it after cutting onions or a fishing trip. So, if you have chemical or odor sensitivities, Don Aslett’s Cleaning Center is the place to get your cleaning supplies! Besides these three great products, we also carry many chemical-free cleaning tools.
Dana said:
I have a new Euro glass shower. What is the best product and method to use for the least amount of work?